PRODUCT > Recent Admittees to the Maryland State Bar

Recent Admittees to the Maryland State Bar

When you are an attorney, developing and expanding a network of professional contacts is vital to developing business. For attorneys fresh out of law school and seasoned lawyers alike, networking promotes the growth and expansion of one’s legal practice and career. However, the networking process can be difficult and time-consuming, as it is hard to know who to contact and how to get ahold of them. Your problems end here, though; Maryland State Bar, a publication of Attorney Research Group, is a comprehensive, integrated Excel spreadsheet providing contact details for attorneys who recently passed the Maryland bar exam. This comprehensive guide is designed to assist legal professionals with their business and networking needs. It is a complete reference guide to new attorneys in Maryland and their contact information. It is a meticulously compiled file that enables professionals to forge contacts and enhance their businesses.

Maryland State Bar is an Excel spreadsheet that is perfectly tailored to meet the networking needs of attorneys and other legal professionals in Maryland. As a directory of new attorneys, it features the names of 1,200+ recent bar admittees.

Maryland State Bar is designed to make locating contacts easy. The value of a reference file of this kind is twofold. It not only serves as a handy guide for locating potential candidates and business development, but it can also help to reconnect old friends, previous acquaintances, colleagues, and former law school associates. The very nature of the directory makes it an absolute “must-have” for any law library, law firm, or in-house legal department; it is every legal professional’s ultimate guide to networking.

Each listing in Recent Admittees to the Maryland State Bar includes:
  • Attorney Name
  • Telephone Number
  • Fax Number
  • Email Address
  • Practice Area(s)
  • Name of Employer
  • Address of Employer
  • Date and Year Admitted to the Bar
  • Law School Attended


PRICE: $29.99

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