PRODUCT > The LawCrossing Difference

The LawCrossing Difference

LawCrossing is the largest collection of active legal jobs in the world. We continuously monitor the hiring needs of over 750,000 legal employers, including virtually every law firm, corporation, government office, and public interest organization in the United States. We do not charge employers to post their jobs, and we aggressively contact and investigate thousands of employers each day to learn of new positions.

An exclusive community of users, LawCrossing subscribers benefit from up-to-the-hour information on new legal jobs as it becomes available. We can even offer our members access to job listings that employers might not want publicly disseminated.

In The LawCrossing Difference, you’ll find out just what makes LawCrossing stand out from all the rest.

Number of Pages: 40 pages


PRICE: $9.95

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