PRODUCT > Rosland McLeod: The Benefits of Using a Recruiter

Rosland McLeod: The Benefits of Using a Recruiter

Whether you're job hunting or happily employed, it's always a good idea to talk with legal recruiters, said Rosland McLeod, Vice President, General Counsel, Ethics and Compliance Officer, and Corporate Secretary for Novation, Inc.

McLeod has had ongoing relationships with recruiters throughout her entire career. "I've actually had really good experiences with recruiters," said McLeod, who landed her job at Novation with a recruiter's help

Even if you aren't necessarily looking for a job, "it's always worth the time to at least have the conversation," she said. Recruiters can offer a lot of information about the legal job market, including the average salaries for specific practice areas and data regarding employment trends. Such information is essential for employees who want to negotiate raises or promotions, explained McLeod.

Listen to the podcast to learn more about Rosland's experience as a general counsel. She also talks about some of the changes she has seen in corporate legal departments over the years.

Duration: 25:07:00


PRICE: $7.00

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