PRODUCT > California Corporate Counsel

California Corporate Counsel

In legal circles, networking is the key method of keeping in touch and developing your business. Networking also increases your leverage and your social status. However, getting in touch with the right people is difficult. Your frustration ends here: California Corporate Counsel, a publication of Attorney Research Group, is a comprehensive, integrated guide to the contact information of the in-house legal counsel working in California. This comprehensive guide is produced with the intention of assisting legal professionals. It is a complete reference to all in-house attorneys and the companies they work for in California.It is a meticulously compiled book that enables professionals to forge contacts in order to network and enhance their businesses.

Our PDF version of California Corporate Counsel is a book that is perfectly tailored to meet the networking needs of corporate counsel and other legal professionals in California. As a directory of in-house legal counsel, it features the names of 7,000+ Corporate Counsel and 1,000+ General Counsel. It lists legal counsel placed in 2,000+ different companies across 250+ cities around the State of California. In order to provide the simplest possible access to the information, the book features a choice of four indexes.

California Corporate Counsel is designed to make locating contacts easy. It is presented in four simple indexes, enabling the reader to locate attorneys either by their names, firm names, city names, or through company SIC numbers. Furthermore, since it is constantly updated, it is extremely comprehensive. The value of this book is twofold. It serves not only as a handy guide for locating potential candidates and business development, but it also helps in reconnecting with old friends, previous acquaintances, colleagues, and former law school associates. The book is an absolute “must have” for any law library, law firm, or in-house legal department, and is every legal professional’s ultimate guide to networking. California Corporate Counsel is also available in EXCEL, CD-ROM and BOOK version.

Each list includes:
  • Name of the Company
  • Industry ID
  • Name of the Counsel
  • Title
  • Address of the Company
  • Telephone / Fax
  • Email Address
  • Practice Area(s)
  • Graduating Class
  • Law School
  • Industry Description


PRICE: $199.00

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